Free Government Smartphones Providers List

Lifeline assistance is available across the United States of America to eligible citizens. It comes in the form of a free cell phone or smartphone with complimentary monthly minutes or a landline phone service. The federal government does not provide this aid directly. The help is distributed through the nationwide or local telecommunication companies, sometimes called Lifeline service providers (also falsely called Obama phone service providers).

The number of free government smartphone providers increases all the time since more and more companies join the Lifeline program. By participating, these wireless providers are not in a rush to get profits as soon as possible. They understand that people applying for a free government phone are not big spenders. Instead, they have a longer view of facilitating this assistance. Once subscribed, people might sometimes pay for some extras, like additional minutes or data package, or a phone upgrade from free government cell phone to the latest smartphone in the market.

It is up to you, with which company you want to join and get your free gadget. We recommend learning all the pros and cons of all providers in your state to choose the best one. You might also consider sharing the idea of enrollment in a free government phone program with some friends of yours. Why? Because many telephone businesses give you bonuses (i.e., hundreds of free minutes, cash-backs, etc.) for referring other people to their services.

All Free Government Smartphones Companies

As we have already mentioned above, there are many providers of free government smartphones and cell phones operating today. Some of these are local players, providing their services to a limited number of subscribers in a particular state or a city. However, many free government cell phone providers are large wireless companies. These telecommunication giants work in many states and have millions of customers, both Lifeline and regular ones. Check out the list of providers below and pick the best one for you. Just in case we would like to remind you, it is possible to switch providers at any stage of your Lifeline enrollment (though you can do it only once per some period).

Lifeline Discount Providers

Some of the telecommunication companies are not full participants of the Lifeline free phone program and are not free government smartphones providers. They do not provide free phones but offer substantial discounts to people who meet general Lifeline assistance requirements. Enrollment with these companies might be attractive for everyone who wants to get a cell phone plan with a significant discount or for those who can not find a functioning Lifeline company in their state. Get Lifeline discounts from:

AT&T, US Cellular, US Connect, Verizon, Viaero Wireless.

Do you not know if you are eligible for a free government phone? Click here to find out.

Not sure how to apply? Click here to learn how.

Are you looking for free government smartphones, cell phone providers in your state? Click here to select a state.