Free Government Smartphones Available in All U.S. States

Are you looking for “Free Government Smartphones near me?” Here is the best way to get one right where you live! The federal government addresses the needs of low-income citizens in various ways, one of which is the Lifeline phone assistance discount. Though general terms of receiving this type of aid are similar wherever you live, some state-specific requirements might be in place to apply for free government smartphones by the state.

Also, the telephone service providing companies differ in their plan offers for different states. Hence, it is wise to check out the information on who can apply for Lifeline in the state you live in and what companies serve there.

Remember, it is in your best interest to get yourself acquainted with all free government smartphone companies serving in your state. That is why we persistently advise you to read as much information about every company as possible, which you can do by clicking on the name of the enterprises on the list on the page dedicated to your state of living.

To ease your learning of the provider, this free government phone website has informational pages about most of providing companies. You can find a list of the providers with links to their pages in the PROVIDERS section of our Internet resource.


Alabama Lifeline, Alaska Lifeline, Arizona Lifeline, Arkansas Lifeline, California Lifeline,

Colorado Lifeline, Connecticut Lifeline, Delaware Lifeline, District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.) Lifeline,

Florida Lifeline, Georgia Lifeline, Hawaii Lifeline, Idaho Lifeline, Illinois Lifeline,

Indiana Lifeline, Iowa Lifeline, Kansas Lifeline, Kentucky Lifeline, Louisiana Lifeline,

Maine Lifeline, Maryland Lifeline, Massachusetts Lifeline, Michigan Lifeline,

Minnesota Lifeline, Mississippi Lifeline, Missouri Lifeline, Montana Lifeline,

Nebraska Lifeline, Nevada Lifeline, New Hampshire Lifeline, New Jersey Lifeline,

New Mexico Lifeline, New York Lifeline, North Carolina LifelineNorth Dakota Lifeline,

Ohio Lifeline, Oklahoma Lifeline, Oregon Lifeline, Pennsylvania Lifeline, Puerto Rico Lifeline,

Rhode Island Lifeline, South Carolina Lifeline, South Dakota Lifeline, Tennessee Lifeline,

Texas Lifeline, Utah Lifeline, Vermont Lifeline, Virginia Lifeline, Washington Lifeline,

West Virginia Lifeline, Wisconsin Lifeline, Wyoming Lifeline

lifeline free government smartphones in my state

5 Free Government Smartphones and Free Government Cell Phones Facts Everyone Should Know

  1. The federal government sponsors the Lifeline program.

State budgets do not have to pitch in. This way, the authorities try to even assistance distribution among various parts of our country and provide aid to those in need.

  1. The Lifeline discount does not require any contracts or monthly bills.

If you get a bill from your wireless cell phone service provider, and you had chosen its free plan when you applied, contact customer service.

  1. The Universal Service Administrative Company does not provide free government smartphones and cell phones.

This company manages the funds and makes sure to distribute them to partner telephone providers in various states. The last ones are supposed to provide free government phones and discounted monthly service and handle most of the issues connected with the program.

  1. Only one free phone from the government is available per household.

If there is a person currently receiving a Lifeline discount in a home you live in, then you can not apply for this aid. This Lifeline discount includes a free landline service from the Lifeline.

  1. You can change the provider of your free government smartphones and cell phones.

If you are not satisfied with the service, coverage, or any other conditions you get from your telephone company, or whenever necessary, you can switch to another free government cell phone provider in your state. Choose your company for free government smartphones by the state today and apply.