Blue Jay Wireless Lifeline Free Government Smartphones and Cell Phones

Blue Jay Wireless is no longer a participant in the Lifeline free government smartphone program. Please, apply with StandUp Wireless to get a free phone and minutes.

Become a Lifeline subscriber with Blue Jay Wireless, and you will be mailed a FREE government cell phone and will receive 250 FREE voice minutes & 250 FREE texts every month! If you live in California, your monthly plan is 100% unlimited – that’s unlimited voice minutes & unlimited texts.

Blue Jay Wireless is an eligible telecommunications carrier licensed to provide free government phone service in many states. The core of its business is serving free phones to low-income subscribers and provide them with some wireless services. All Lifeline-eligible customers receive a mobile device and basic monthly service plan at no cost. They do not have to sign any contracts or pay any bills. Blue Jay Wireless has some extra options to use with your gadget, but they are not mandatory, and you pay for them only when you decide you need them. These include web data packages, unlimited minutes, and so on.

The Blue Jay Wireless Lifeline is already open for subscription in Arizona, Colorado, California, Hawaii, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin. Since the company is expanding, we will likely see it serving Americans in need in other states, too.

How do I qualify for Blue Jay Wireless Lifeline Program?

To get a free smartphone and monthly plan at no cost, you need to meet the general criteria of the Lifeline program for the state of your residence. Usually, they are a participant in assistance programs like Medicaid, food stamps, Supplemental Security Income, etc., or a low annual income. See Am I Eligible page of our website for more details.

Blue Jay Wireless Plans

The Lifeline plan of Blue Jay includes 250 minutes and 250 texts for every one of its customers in all serving states except for California. The company also offers a Tribal Resident Lifeline plan featuring unlimited voice time & messages in many states. On top of this free option, every Blue Jay Wireless user can add more minutes or purchase a data package for an extra fee. The Blue Jay Wireless top-up can be through the company’s website, at It is also possible to top up with the help from Blue Jay Wireless customer service. In the Blue Jay Wireless Lifeline California program, every customer is eligible for unlimited calls and texts every month. Only the data packages are costing Californians.

Blue Jay Wireless Phones and Smartphones

This free government cell phone provider mails the device to every customer who gets approved to participate. You do not get to choose whether you get a free government smartphone or one of the simpler Blue Jay Wireless phones. Since the company in its development phase, we should expect it to offer more free government smartphones soon.