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Florida Lifeline Free Government Smartphones and Cell Phones

Welcome to Florida Lifeline Free Government Smartphones and Free Government Cell Phones Page! Given you visiting this page, it is most likely that things in Florida are not that great for everyone. Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Miami, and every other city are affected by economic problems. The latter cause high rates of poverty in many parts of the country. The statistics for the Sunshine State are a bit frightening: more than 3,211,000 people have incomes so small that they fall below the poverty level. With this in mind, many of them qualify for assistance programs, both nationwide and local. Lifeline assistance is instrumental today since having a cell phone is a basic necessity these days.

Lifeline Free Government Cell Phones Program in Florida

On the whole, at least five companies are providing free government cell phones or discounted services under the Lifeline initiative. Unless you have already picked the provider to enroll in the free phone program, we recommend checking out the information about current plans and offers from each provider.

Who is eligible for free government smartphones and free government cell phones in Florida?

If you participate in any or several of the following government assistance programs, it is very probable that you are eligible for a free phone from the government by Florida Lifeline:

You can also qualify based on the household income rule: your household income has to be lower or at the level of 135% of Federal Poverty Guidelines for Florida. For 2022 this number is shown in the table below.

Household size (number of people)Eligible annual income per household
For each additional person, add$6,129

Click here to see all steps needed to enroll in Florida Lifeline free government smartphones and a free government cell phone program.

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