Kansas Lifeline Free Government Smartphones and Cell Phones

Welcome to Kansas Lifeline Free Government Smartphones and Free Government Cell Phones Page!

Despite the Kansas unemployment rate being below 4%, which is one of the lowest numbers in over a decade, more than 382,000 people are officially considered poor. The annual income of these Kansans is below the poverty line specified in the Federal Poverty Guidelines. In reality, there are even more people in Kansas who are in urgent need of help. For this reason, the federal and state authorities offer a range of assistance programs. Low-income Americans can apply and receive various things at no cost, including food, energy, and free phones. The latter is available through Kansas Lifeline assistance.

Lifeline Free Government Cell Phones Program in Kansas

As long as your income is within limits prescribed by the government, or you participate in one or more assistance programs, you have an excellent opportunity to get even more help: you can enroll in the free government smartphones/cell phones program with one of the following free phones providers in Kansas.

Who is eligible for free government smartphones and free government cell phones in Kansas?

You are probably eligible for a free phone from the government if you are a participant of any of the following government-paid programs:

  • Medicaid
  • Food Stamps/ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Veterans Pension and Survivor’s Benefit
  • Section 8/ Federal Public Housing Assistance
  • Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance (BIA)
  • Tribal Head Start (only those households meeting its income qualifying standard)
  • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR).

You can also qualify based on the household income rule: your household income has to be lower or at the level of 135% of Federal Poverty Guidelines for Kansas. For 2022 this number is shown in the table below.

Household size (number of people)Eligible annual income per household
For each additional person, add$6,129

Click here to learn how you can enroll in Kansas free government smartphones, free government cell phones Lifeline program.